Lesson series

Cyber Bears Robotics

Learn how to use sophisticated technology to build and program and industrial-size robot for a challenging field game.

Under strict rules and limited time and resources, teams of high school students are challenged to build industrial-size robots to play a difficult field game in alliance with other teams, while also fundraising to meet their goals, designing a team “brand,” and advancing respect and appreciation for STEM within the local community.
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Why this cyber course?

  • 10 Chapters
  • 1 Certification

Learn What's Important

Our goal is to inspire the next generation of engineers, computer scientists and STEM leaders

Learn by Example

Examples. In addition to introducing you to the tools, we’ll walk through some start-to-finish examples so you can see everything in action. When you finish, you will have a competition robot.
Become a Cyber Bear Today

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We will help you unlock your inner potential so you can excel in your professional field
Lesson series

Cyber Bears Robotics

Build an industrial robot. You will learn mechanical, engineering, coding, and business skills. Become a Cyber Bear Today!
Write your awesome label here.
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